Google has launched the “Adsense referrals beta program”. It is like the associate programs which are available for advertising but not exactly. Here is the announcement made:
You may already be using AdSense referrals to direct your users to Google products like Google Pack or Google AdWords. Now, you can expand the earning potential of your website even further by directing users to products and services from our base of AdWords advertisers.
See this picture from Technospot which essentially shows how this Adsense referrals beta program works:
- Whats new?
- Advantages:
- How does it work?
Step 1 of 3: Select the products and keywords you want to refer.
Step 2 of 3: Customize your ad unit.
Step 3 of 3: Copy and paste the code to your pages.
The working is pretty similar and familiar if you have been using the Google Adsense referrals.
- How do I get one?
The number of trials are limited so rush to the link if you want to try it.
- How is it?
- From the first look, it is like an associate program that gives you control over what ads or products you want to refer to unlike the previous version which just had Firefoz and some Google products.
- It is from Google. I love Google. So, I guess its best to have an advantage of moving early and gaining some valuable experience. Go get it is what I say.
- Google must have thought about the following things so you need not worry, I guess: Money the advertisers are willing topay, what action(s) are expected from the site readers.
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