Today's Tips for new bloggers

I learn new things as a blogger everyday. In this basket I provide tips for new bloggers like me, as I try out new things regularly.

If you are a new blogger looking for more traffic, this might do the trick. After registring you get points to review or visit a site which is converted into daily traffic. The best part is your site being displayed at the top of this site which has over 90000 members. If you login regularly your site will be in top half and if you write good reviews, you can get ranking boost. You can also get traffic through your referrals. I found it pretty useful. Please join linkreferral through my referral. Also, the search engine traffic increases, because the search engine crwals the link referral site and your site is listed there.

Its similar to link referral, but doesnt have many members and you will find yourself visiting a familiar blog again and again, sometimes. It has some games which can help you earn points=visits. Their is no harm in joining, if you have the time. You can join Blogexplosion here.

If you havent joined it, join now! The best blogging community I have found till now. It gives traffic instantly, as you visit new blogs and make friends. You leave your trail on others blogs when you visit their blog. Almost all the time they visit back. Also, its a great way to know your readers. Join it, its the best.

I found this cool site today. It adds crosswords,news,games, clock,calculator and many other widgets to your blog in a single click. The look of the widgets is especially cool. See my sidebar for the block game widget. Its best for bloggers who have issues with Javascript. Its important that you entertain your readers while they are visitng.

  • Gain ranks by linking to other blogs
Its not always the inbound links that get you ranked highr on Search Engines.
"I’m no SEO expert but all I can really say on this is that some SEOs that I know and respect argue good cases for this and that when I’ve launched blogs it is something that I’ve always done. I don’t know how much of an impact that it has had on those sites - but they do tend to do well in search engines."
Remember to use highly searched words whenever you link to something. Read the complete article "Do Outbound Links Matter for SEO".

Every now and then you keep publishing quality content. When you see no increase in your traffic, you lose interest and motivation. Its pretty easy to start doubting your skills when you dont see any results for your efforts. I was going through a damp patch yesterday when I came about a handy article which helps you aviod the negativity. Here are tips to aviod blogging burnout.

I will leave you with a note which helps me persist with my cause.

Tyler: Keep writing. Build up a body of work and the traffic will come. I know it’s hard to be patient but in a years time when you have a large body of writing under your belt, and the experience to go with it you’ll thank yourself.

Keep blogging. I love the idea :The best way to make yourself successful is to help others be successful. So help me in the cause.